Distro Vinyl

Here's the place for a whole load of great vinyl records in on Distro! Pick some up and save yourself some money from abroad, and maybe find a bargain?! A few of these are now OOP.
Contra Code - Wasted Already - Super good super fast Canadian skatepunk FFO A Wilhelm Scream, Strung Out etc. Nice colour vinyl variants on Red or White.
Elder Abuse - Burnt - New LP from this awesome Canadian punk rock band, featuring members of Daggermouth. Cant stop listening to this! Coloured vinyl!
Elder Abuse / Anchorless - Split - Great 7" Split from these two fast punk bands!
Not Half Bad / Crab Legs - Dorks / Nerds - Great split from our Texan folk punk faves Not Half Bad and North Dakota's punk rockers Crab Legs. We have all four (awesome) variants available, so check this one out!
Precursor - Miles & Miles Apart - Excellent fast punk rock from Canada. Check it out! Coloured vinyl.
The Priceduifkes - Goathorse - I'm reliably told these guys are one of Belgium's absolute best ever punk rock bands. Who am I to argue?
Second To Last - Open House - Great 7" from this US pop punk band. Blue or Clear vinyl.
Please note - if ordering a 7", the cost of shipping will be partially refunded to you appropriately.