Odd Robot - Deathmates

So-Cal's premium power-pop-punk band Odd Robot return with their third full length "Deathmates". 17 tracks of excellent melodic power pop tunes which fans of bands like The Smoking Popes and Alkaline Trio are going to love.
We have a UK exclusive (/100) on crystal vinyl.
Salty Attitudes
Lost Inside Yr Ocean
Youre a Fucking Nightmare
Secondhand Noose
Lets Start This Over
Temporary Bachelor Does Mundane Things
Fake Warm Fuzzies are Still Warm Fuzzies
Snakes Snakes
Tomb With a View
California Emptiness
Piss Drunk on a Lonely Sunday
Take a Look at Yourself Sinner
Alone Together on the Sand
In the End Elegance Was Unearthed