Pkew Pkew Pkew - Siiick Days

Thanks to our friends at Bearded Punk Records, we'll be getting some copies of the new Pkew Pkew Pkew LP in for you party punk rock lovers of this great band.
The opening track, and lead single, "The Dumbest Thing I Ever Done," is about Mike Warne (vox/bass) having to sell his Playstation after a particularly rough 2020 European tour, "which sucked because the world was about to go into lockdown and no video games = no fun," says Warne. Regretting his decision, watch his imagination come to life in the music video which demonstrates how a homemade time machine could have helped return the source of entertainment.
The Hold Steady's Craig Finn (Lifter Puller) came on board as a lyrical consultant for Siiick Days, remarking enthusiastically that "A new Pkew record is always exciting for me. I love this band and the way they write about the dread and alienation of modern life, as well as the moments of elation that get us through."
Siiick Days was recorded in the heart of the pandemic, over ten days in New Jersey’s Asbury Park by The Bouncing Souls’ Pete Steinkopf (The Menzingers, Dave Haus, The Love Ones, Crazy & The Brain). Steinkopf states, "It was an awesome experience making this record with these guys. Honest, great and clever people making honest, great and clever music. I was a fan the first time I heard them and am a fan for life after this experience. Can't wait for everyone to hear it."
We have a limited number of both of Bearded Punk's variants on Blue and White vinyl.
Siiick Days track list:
The Dumbest Thing I Ever Done
Farside Bathroom
Read Receipts
Hot Tub Or Bust
Trooper Cover Band
Learning To Share
Trespasser On The Tracks
The Night John Buck Hit Three Home Runs