Crossed Keys - Believes In You

Crossed Keys play the type of melodic punk rock that makes you want to singalong with fists in the air screaming back the lyrics with a big smile on your face.
BELIEVES IN YOU was a team effort. Recording started at Retro City Studios in Philadelphia with Andy Clarke (Spirit of the Beehive, The Wonder Years) and Dave Klyman (Restorations) before making its way down to Salad Days Studio to track vocals with Brian McTernan (Hot Water Music, Strike Anywhere). The record was mixed by Steve Evetts (Saves The Day, Dillinger Escape Plan) before returning to Andy Clarke for mastering. The layout was put together with some help from local photographers and Justin Gray (Suicide Machines, MXPX).
Gold vinyl!
1. Victim Complex
2. RIP Arch Street
3. If You Don’t Love Yourself
4. Film Score
5. Middle Light
6. Vina Park
7. Stranger Danger
8. Pucho
9. Rot Troll
10. Who We Never Were